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  • Almost finished this game last night. So far It has been... Interesting.

    The game tries to handle A LOT of stuff: social media harassment, suicide, bullying, the psychological effects of COVID on people and other things I won't spoil for those who want to play It out eventually. I admire the fact these topics are being dealt on the medium of videogames, although I feel that for the length of the game it tries to tackle too much all at once (the game can be beaten in less than 2 hours, which isn't awful for a free game).

    As usual with Silent Hill, the main character has a lot of gray areas I won't spoil, so I can understand some people not finding her that likeable (although I feel that is kinda the point with these games, knowing SH2's popular twist), I personally kinda relate to what her and her friends go through, although I would have handled it in a longer experience.

    The design of the monster is quite cool, although the game isn't really scary. I had trouble sleeping last night after playing It, but It ain't Evil Dead Rise in terms of imagery and tension.

    Overall: it's fine for a free game. It does give me hope on future full-budget Silent Hill games handling very important topics nowadays, although I feel they went too ambitious with this free title. I reccomend trying It out or at least downloading It (we don't know when Konami will get wacky and delist It), but don't expect Silent Hill 2 levels of writing.

    I'd give It a 6.5/10. Not bad for a free game, but should have focused on one or two topics.
    Holy ****ing **** people.

    The YouTube comments section of the trailer is upset about the new Silent Hill game because "It is a PT rip off".

    ... Wtf? Of course It looks similar to PT, both are Silent Hill games
    Currently thinking about how the official PlayStation Spain YouTube channel still has uploaded a video of the Secret Of Monkey Island intro from back when they were not an officially owned PlayStation channel and they haven't deleted It ever since:
    Since the profile posts are talking about Batman due to the new Suicide Squad game, I wanna share my thoughts about Michael Keaton in The Flash now that I've managed to get through It in Movistar+.

    Honestly, I am very divided about how they handled the character: on one hand I can't deny they did something really well which No Way Home was kinda lacking: the classic tunes associated with the character.
    It may not seem like much to some, but getting to hear the themes which many have grown up with both in the 90s with the original two Batman movies with Keaton and in the mid 2000s with the LEGO Batman trilogy and remixed or reorchestrated feels kinda amazing. It helps boost up scenes such as this one:
    This whole scene is amazing because the music really carries It, ngl. If they used anything else I feel It wouldn't impact as much.

    On the other hand... Is It just me or they made Keaton's Batman too epic and larger than life than how It actually was in the original movies?

    I get that we are talking about one of the most iconic and legendary takes on the character, and as such the crew of the movie were excited to be working with him... But idk, in the original movies Batkeaton felt more like a character in the lines of someone such as Blade or say the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the original black & White comics version, not the cartoon ones). He killed, he used fire weapons (on his vehicles) and even smiled while doing so. I feel the version of The Flash ignored these faults on the philosophy of this version to instead show how epic and amazing this version was... Which imo isn't ideal.
    No Way Home for example knew to take their characters and events from the Raimi and Webb movies seriously while also acknowledging the flaws or imperfections of said characters (Electro finding Connor's plan silly for example, or how Andrew Garfield couldn't forgive himself for letting Gwen die). I feel they should have done something similar with Keaton's Batman, and in fact one of my favourite moments in the whole movie (and the only joke I laughed at) was when they are on that elevator about to set an explosion and asks both Flashes how much they weight to set up the proper one. That was funny, and acknowledged the fact that Batkeaton was calculative and very researchful in the original movies.

    Tl;dr: Keaton's Batman in The Flash succeeds on the music and sound department, but in philosophy It doesn't really treat the character with the honesty and awareness of the villains and Peter 2 and 3 in No Way Home

    I LOVE being told that I am not a real latino for talking with someone on Discord who claims to be full venezolan while I am just half venezolan and half from the Canary Islands.

    I ADORE getting clowned on for being an Indiana Jones fan and """not understanding latinos at all""" despite being well-versed on my culture and my legacy.

    I SPECIALLY admire the fact all of that happened over me just saying on a Marvel Discord server that the LATAM representation in Wakanda Forever could have been better or as great as how Encanto portrays Colombia.

    I also REALLY LIKE that all of this has been happening for the past days while my crush had to drop out of her gender equality career over facing discrimination for her skin and not being able to speak spanish, my cousins are dealing with their worst crisis ever and my father worsens on psychologically torturing me.

    Great stuff people, great stuff.

    Had to vent stuff out, sorry
    You know, I look at this Last Crusade LEGO car and think to myself "man, Indy and Henry Jones Sr. would be quite a fun addition to Disney Speedstorm or any other mascot racing game similar to the two Virtua Fighter characters in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing".

    Think about It: the car by itself is visually pleasing enough and has enough details for a solid 3D model, Indy could use his whip for a super ability where he stuns other racers while boosting, Henry Jones Sr. could be congratulating or mocking you for doing good or bad at the race respectively and there surely would be an awesome Indiana Jones-themed circuit to go along with them.
    You know, people like to throw around the "japanese Walt Disney" comments around both Tezuka and Miyasaki... And I feel that's kinda disrespectful to them as weird as It may sound?

    Idk, I think they as artists stand on their own league just as Don Bluth or Chuck Jones did.
    To me saying they are Japan's Walt Disney would be the same as me saying that Velázquez is Spain's DaVinci or that Andy Warhol is the USA's Pablo Picasso. It kinda feels as if I were calling them a mere attempt at being like them and not whole new artists who bring different stuff to the table.
    I have nothing to say about Palworld, ngl.

    On an unrelated subject: I was looking at MGS videos on Youtube and right now I do wonder what would happen if I posted THAT part with Raiden from MGS2 on this site.

    Ya'll know the one.
    I can't wait to not support the Ace Attorney Apollo Justice collection because they once again didn't include spanish translations and a physical release for Europe and also lacks the Japan exclusive DLC even though It is meant to be a definitive collection.

    I know It will do jack**** because people don't care about Capcom ****ing over european consumers, but It is the thought that counts.
    I'm gonna say It.

    The Flash and Spider-Man Lotus deserved the worst adapted script and worst sequel nominations at the Razzies more than Dial Of Destiny.

    The Flash and Lotus both suck ass as adaptations of the comics they are based on, and The Flash specifically is like one of the worst ways to end a cinematic universe.
    We ****ing won

    Raiden Fortnite is real.
    Capcom: "**** you. We're gonna release Ace Attorney and MegaMan ports in Europe without physical releases and only in english. Because we hate our European fandom and don't wanna spend too much of our Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter money".

    Meanwhile Level-5:
    The fact we officially know more about What If Season 3 than X-Men '97 is insane.
    This is the most real thing I've read regarding popular media recently:

    I understand that some people may not enjoy the same movies as we do, but It is quite true imo that YouTube's algorithm pushing people such as Benjamin Shamepiro and Nerdrotic is hurting online talk about popular media.

    These people make you think that stuff such as The Marvels, Marvel's Spider-Man 2or Dial Of Destiny are the worst things to have come out of 2023, when in reality there are way worse and more problematic productions which released the same year (Exorcist Believer, The Flash, Spider-Man Lotus, etc...)
    I understand that some people may not enjoy the same movies as we do, but It is quite true imo that YouTube's algorithm pushing people such as Benjamin Shamepiro and Nerdrotic is hurting online talk about popular media.
    Those kind of channels are always spreading a load of misinformation and lies if something does not fit within their narrative or agenda for views and clicks which is really sad that they still have a platform on Youtube.

    I've watched the Marvels last year and even though there were areas that could had been better, I still enjoyed it mostly because of Iman Vellani's charismatic performance as Kamala Khan.
    dezeray112 dezeray112 yeah, I still need to watch The Marvels as I hadn't had time to check It out, but seeing her work on Ms.Marvel and how passionate she is about Marvel as a whole I can easily imagine Iman Vellani stealing the whole thing with her charm and talent.
    The things I have heard about The Marvels have made me think I wouldn't like it very much. But then, I thought the same thing about TLOU2, which I am now eagerly awaiting to play.
    Gonna repost something I talked about at a Discord server regarding romantic relationships.

    Idc if anyone turns against me: if you can't learn to love yourself and appreciate your own self-value without feeling validation from a romantic couple, then you don't deserve a romantic couple in the first place.

    The first step to love and admire other people is to be aware of your pros and cons and celebrate while being proud of who you are.

    And you need to find someone who values you for who you are, not for what they want you to be. Someone who wishes the best on you, not to use you.

    Love shouldn't be transforming yourself into someone you don't see yourself in for someone who claims to love you if you do so... Love is sharing your time and life with someone who is GLAD with the way you are and helps you develop as a person.

    A big win for the Batman fandom in Spain.

    For the first time ever, The New Batman Adventures or also known as Batman The Animated Series Season 2 has been fully dubbed for the country, something which hadn't been done even when the show originally released in the 90s. Amazon Prime even brought in most of the remaining original voice actors for this new dub, which is awesome.

    Now at long last, the animated Batman will finally speak spanish through all of its legendary run.
    AlRex AlRex nah, I'd probably want the same characters both in fangames and "real" Smash Bros games.

    I'd like a Dragon Quest Hero in Smash Remix for example.
    Veterans are another issue. Me personally, for something as limited in roster as Smash Remix, I'd prefer them to focus on newcomers, or at the very least, have very altered versions of veterans, like they have with Wario. They seem to be done currently, though, as far as I can tell.
    To comment a bit on Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule 's comments about the state of Lost Media research: I do think some kids media is worth taking seriously... Just not all of It.

    The biggest example imo is the lost original Doraemon show: that character is HUGE in my country (Spain), Japan and other european places. He's probably as popular as Goku outside the USA. I personally feel that as such bringing back his first adaptation ever outside manga is important due to how much the character has marked people's childhoods.

    ... Then there's stuff such as Jojo's Circus which while It was sort of popular... No. It cannot be compared to Doraemon. It's as if you were to compare Minecraft, Super Mario or Sonic with freaking Chex Quest.
    My face when I wake up in the morning and the Indiana Jones game is still real
    ugh hasn't even been 2 hours and people are already complaining in the comments section of the spanish trailer for the new Indy game that It is "too woke" due to the female protagonist and that they can already play Uncharted for an adventure game (basically the same dumb argument as "Why play this racing game when we have Mario Kart!? I hate studios trying out similar genres >:<"

    This my dear friends, is why we can't have nice things.
    People... It was beautiful. It wasn't Fate Of Atlantis 2... But It still was an amazing showcase for a new Indy game.

    Definitely gonna get a Xbox Series X for It and Blade :)
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