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Dolphin Online - Melee Netplay


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
Dolphin Online - Global Melee Netplay Guide


Global Melee is a group of Super Smash Bros. Melee players dedicated to making SSBM, along with other GameCube and Wii games, standardized on netplay through Dolphin Emulator. Anyone can play, but we've created a guide that all of our players follow in order to create a stable and fun experience. By following the standards in this thread, you guarantee yourself the ability to sync with anyone else in the Global Melee Netplay Group.

Minimum Requirements (2 player)
  • Core2Duo or AMD Phenom Processor (Lower Variants may need Overclocking)
  • nVidia 8xxx or ATi/AMD Radeon 4xxx series graphics card
    Onboard can work, but we will not support/assist with setup. Your mileage will vary.
  • 2GB of RAM
  • DSL or Broadband Internet
Recommended Specifications
  • Intel Core i5 First Gen or AMD Phenom II
  • nVidia 8xxx or ATi/AMD Radeon 4xxx Series Graphics Card
  • 4GB of Ram
  • DSL or Broadband Internet



3.5-2468 - Fixed a Plethora of random issues, made input recording work. First build that perfectly synced.
4.0-515 - Introduced UDP Netplay. Caused instant desync bug that happens on 3% of games. Simply restarting the emulator will fix it. Introduced auto-connection that makes it so most people don't have to port forward.
4.0-646 - Fixed the instant desync, added Wii support features for Project M and Brawl. Some speedups to the emulator itself. Memory cards now work over netplay properly.
4.0-648 - Finally fixed the longstanding glitched server bug, fixed some disconnect issues.

Required Files
  • Dolphin DC-Netplay 4.0-652 - Fixes Memory Card Desyncs, Adds Brawl/Project M features. UDP provides smoother connections as well as enhanced hosting abilities. Fixes minor UI issues as well.
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee Revision 2 (1.02) ISO
As of the 4.0 builds, you no longer need to download an INI file. It is included with the emulator in the /sys folder.

For people on Windows XP or without UDP Supported Internet Connections

Extract Dolphin to a folder that you want to use. From there, you will run the emulator. You will need to configure a few things before playing:
  1. Place the Super Smash Bros. Melee 1.02 ISO in a directory of your choice. Make sure it is either an iso or gcm file, extracted from any kind of archive. Within dolphin, you must set the default iso directory (under the File Menu,) to the folder where that ISO is being stored.
  2. Once Melee shows up in the ISO list, right click it and go to properties. Under the AR-codes section, there should be a bunch of cheats. The only cheat used in general play is "Global Melee Netplay Settings." Enable that.
  3. In the Options/Configuration Menu, we need to change a few settings. First, make sure Dualcore, Idleskipping and Enable Cheats are all checked. If your router cannot handle UDP automatic port forwarding, you can set the netplay listen port to a manually port. You must follow the port forwarding guide below if you want to do this.
  4. In the Options/Configuration Menu, move to the GameCube tab. Make sure you have at least one controller plugged in.
  5. In Options/Configuraton/GCPads, you can setup your controller. It should be self-explanatory for anyone who's setup an emulator. Those using SDL will have to update their controller when upgrading from 3.5 due to something in SDL's formatting within Dolphin changing. Xinput/Dinput users do not need to do anything.
  6. ALL FIREWALLS MUST BE DISABLED OR ALLOWING DOLPHIN AS OF 4.0-515. This allows us to connect/host netplay sessions without port forwarding. You no longer have to port forward on the 4.0-515/646/648 builds on 90% of routers/networks. Some university students can even host.
  7. Hosting has changed as of the 4.0-515/646 builds. You must right click the game in your gamelist and select the host netplay option. The code your given lets you host without giving out your IP/Port.
3.5-2468 Instructions
  1. Place the Super Smash Bros. Melee 1.02 ISO in a directory of your choice. Make sure it is either an iso or gcm file, extracted from any kind of archive. Within dolphin, you must set the default iso directory (under the File Menu,) to the folder where that ISO is being stored.
  2. On Windows, run dolphin once. It will generate the folder "My Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GameSettings". This is the Global User Directory GameSetting's folder where the cheat INI file needs to be placed. On Mac, to get to the correct INI folder hit cmd-shift-g, and type ~/Library/Application Support/Dolphin and find where INIs are stored. That is where you overwrite the GALE01. On Linux... if you're using Linux, you should know what you're doing by now.
  3. In Dolphin, right click the Melee ISO and go to properties. Head over the info tab and confirm it is revision 2. The INI file only works with revision 2, and you will not sync with other players on other revisions.
  4. Options/Configuration, Enable Cheats, ensure Dualcore is Enabled as well as Idle Skipping.
  5. Options/Configuration/GameCube tab, Turn off all Memory cards
  6. Options/GameCube Pads: Configure your controller to your liking
  7. If you setup everything and cheats still don't seem to be working, right click Melee in the Dolphin Window and click Properties. From There, go the AR Codes tab and make sure Global Melee Netplay Settings is the only cheat enabled!
  8. Optional: Port Forward a port on your router. This allows you to host. For more information please check out http://portforward.com as every router is different and we cannot provide a personalized guide.
Finding Matches and playing online

Dolphin currently uses a peer to peer system. That means the best way to find matches is to find a group of people who want to play online. Thanks to work put in by users, a netplay ladder with full rankings has emerged as the best option. Please go to http://ladder.anthrzy.com/ for friendlies, ranked matches, tournaments and more using Netplay with support for Melee and Project M!

To host a Netplay Game in Dolphin, you simply right click the game you want to host and select the "Host Netplay Session" option. There you will see an ID code on the upper right. You can copy that and give it to anyone else on the same build. You can still get the port by switching from ID to IP. The IP will be your localhost IP, so you have to google for your external IP for others to connect.

Connecting to Netplay is simple. You just go into the Tools tab and hit connect to netplay session and input the 8 character ID or the IP: Port combination as such.

Host then can set buffer before or during the netplay session. The way to get optimum buffer is to stay in the menus and lower buffer until the framerate starts to drop. Lower buffer means less latency, you want the lowest buffer possible without affecting the framerate!

All a client can do is join another netplay session. You must first get the IP and port from the person hosting, and then enter it. Once joined, you just need to wait for the host to start the game.

Recording Input is broken as of 4.0-515, and will be fixed as soon as possible. We'll keep you updated. For games that use memory cards, when you configure pads in Dolphin on 646, you can also configure the memory cards! This is useful when playing other games than Melee and one person has a partially completed save file.

Graphics Settings

General Tab lets you change some general settings. Auto Adjust Window Size lets the window size get locked to Internal Resolution. The rest of the settings are for personal preference and self explanatory.
Under Enhancements, depending on the strength of your graphics card, turning up Internal Resolution can greatly increase your picture quality without sacrificing framerate. Anti-aliasing and anisotropic field will cause problems in Melee, so don't use them. Under Hacks, Cache Display lists can be used for a small speedup, but can break other games. Everything else is fine as default.
All backends sync with one another over netplay, so don't be afraid to try them and figure out which one suits you.

nVidia Users
OpenGL plugin will be fastest, especially with the Vertex Streaming Hack enabled. It will not cause any issues in Melee. OpenGL does suffer from some very intermittent background flicker in Melee; if you have extra processor speed, you can use D3D11 to play with no graphical errors. D3D9 can also be used to fix the background flicker, but will introduce other errors.

D3D9 and D3D11 will perform better than OpenGL, but D3D9 has significant problems because of how old it is. Despite this, it will also be slightly faster than D3D11. Use D3D9 if you must, but D3D11 will provide more accurate graphics.

Running Project M 3.0 on Dualcore Netplay

Thanks to dilligent work done by Nuckels_EU on our IRC Channel, we discovered that with a few extra steps that you can also run Project M on Netplay with headaches (Brawl, you actually can't due to it requiring cheats/savefiles to setup.) Project M works in 3.5-2468 and the newer 4.0-648 using Dualcore Netplay. The steps we support are:

  1. Install Project M (fullset) into a FULL Brawl ISO. When you dump, you cannot trim or scrub it, it must be a legitimate Brawl ISO. I highly recommend using a Wii to dump it as it's the easiest and safest way.
  2. NOTE: While Wifiset works too, but there's literally no reason to use it on netplay.
  3. You want it to use a different savefile than Brawl when setting up, or else you MUST delete your brawl save file for this to work.
  4. On your already setup Dolphin, Go to Options/Wiimote Settings and make sure every Wiimote is disabled.
  5. As of 646, Brawl will start in 4:3 to prevent desyncs. Go into the Options after booting up Project M and manually set the screen to 16:9 to prevent it being stretched (Unless you want it to be 4:3, then you must change your Wii mode to 4:3 in the Options/Configuration/Wii area)
  6. Make sure you don't have a save file. Games will no longer automatically save in netplay, so don't panic if you accidentally create a save file during a netplay session. Offline will still create savefiles so don't do that.
  7. As of 4.0-646 it will start in 4:3 mode no matter what to prevent desyncs. To enable widescreen, go into Project M's options menu and change the screen mode to 16:9.
The Project M ISO MD5 needs to be correct. It turns out there are multiple possible good ISO hashes that you can get depending on the texture/sound files you have. These two are both confirmed to work without desyncing.

dcfcafca21ab415838382f229ee65794 - Brawl 1.0 ISO creates this

503c1536a35709043846cd15b871ae7e - Brawl 1.1 ISO (update partition, won't show up in dolphin) makes this ISO. It syncs perfectly with 1.0 due to the partition being separate.

As I find more possible combinations that work, I will add them to my list of good ISOs.
Project M Guide, Performance and Issues

  1. OPTIONAL: If your Brawl extracts as multiple part files from Cleanrip, there is an easy solution on all OSes to fix it. Because I'm on Windows, I'll detail the windows method, but Mac and Linux both have similar commands. On Windows, just hold shift and control then right click in the folder you have multiple part files in and click "Open Command Prompt". Then fill this command out: COPY /B source file1+source file2 destination file This command will give you one full ISO from the multiple part files. Depending on your SD/USB stick, you can have up to nine source files. Just add as many source files as you need with the + indicator shown in the example.
  2. Project M's Skyloft Island is perhaps the hardest stage to emulate between both Melee and Project M. Unless you're on a powerful i5 or i7 processor, stay away from it.
  3. Metal Cavern can run on very weak computers.
  4. Roy, Mewtwo, and the special costumes affect Dolphin just like the Wii. No matter how powerful your computer is, using four of them will knock it down to 50 fps. There's nothing we can do about it, it's a bug in their code.
  5. OpenGL and D3D are a lot closer in speed on Brawl compared to Melee. NVIDIA and AMD users should try both if they're having problems.
  6. Please keep your ISO builder around in case we edit/change things to make it easier.
  7. For widescreen to work in Dolphin build 4.0-648 DC-Netplay, you must manually enable it in the game's options menu.
Text guide for convenience, http://pastebin.com/sr4DjCnz
Mayflash Setup Guide by Andrewajt62
Dolphin-emu official site
Disc Integrity Checker for Windows
Melee 1.2 Correct Integrity
Dolphin Recommended Accessories Guide - Must disable adblock for it to work right!
http://ladder.anthrzy.com/netplay - Requires registration, but is the best site for netplay matchmaking!


Why are my inputs not working right? Can't run, use C-stick
The GameCube uses a radius of 100 for Mayflash adapter, you need to set the controllers in the GCPad to use a radius of 100 on both sticks. For Project M, the c-stick requires a deadzone so that the stick can return to rest.

Why am I desyncing?
There are multiple reasons for desyncing right now. The main reasons would include
1. Different Cheat Codes set
2. Different versions of Dolphin
3. Frameskip can RARELY cause desyncs in Dualcore
4. Setting Framelimiter to something other than "auto" can cause desyncs if the other player does not follow.
5: 4.0-515 has a random startup desync. We advise not using it unless you must.
6: all 4.0-xxx builds have a possibility of startup spectator desync. We are investigating it.

What is buffer? What should I set it at?
Buffer is basically the amount of inputs that the game stores before playing it back during netplay. Each buffer is about a half-frame give or take. Under good conditions, about 17ms of ping per buffer will give you a smooth experience. Lower Buffer means lower lag.

The game locks-up on startup, what gives?
Usually this means you have the wrong revision of Melee. Please go into the game properties and check the revision under the information tab. If you are still getting a black screen or crashing, it is likely a bad dump.

Why are the CPU requirements so high to run such an old game?
Because emulators require a lot of CPU to do their job. You wouldn't want to use a computer from the 1980s to emulate an NES just like you wouldn't want to use a computer from the early 2000s to emulate a GameCube.

Where do I go for extra support with Dolphin issues?
http://dolphin-emu.org has a forum and IRC chat specifically for helping users with Dolphin. We advise those with strange/obscure problems to check there for assistance.
Last edited:
Oct 10, 2011
Boise, ID
As usual, it's worth giving a shot if you have the hardware, but don't expect guaranteed perfect results. Hopefully plenty of people will report back with a variety of results so we can have a better understanding of the frequency of desyncs in most recent builds.

By the way, before starting netplay you should make sure that you've filled your shader cache with all necessary assets. Loading an asset for the first time may cause a lag spike, but once it's in the cache this won't happen. Try doing this in a local game before running netplay:
  • Load every stage you intend to play at least once. Let Pokemon Stadium transform to each of its own variants.
  • Start a match with each character of the cast and use each move in his/her moveset.
This only needs to be performed once for each copy of Dolphin. In any case, I hope people see more success now than ever!

(Sorry JMC, I edited my post in response to delroth's corrections and not as an attack.)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
Hey, InternetExplorer, according to multiple developers, it is perfectly deterministic in certain conditions which were are striving to replicate. While there may be bugs that prevent it from being deterministic, the feature set I gave has given perfect results in testing with people that know how to use dolphin.

Because you editted your post, you made mine look wrong. I do appreciate that.

Edit2: It's fine, I wouldn't have realized it if I were in your shoes either


Smash Rookie
Apr 3, 2013
Hi InternetExplorer, I am a Dolphin developer, and it seems to me like you have a big bias due to a conflict of interest and you're spreading lies in order to make your fork/alternative more appealing to people.

The emulator is almost perfectly deterministic using the proper settings. Ask all the people doing TAS with Dolphin (they have been doing it for several years already) if they could do it if Dolphin was not deterministic enough.

Lag spikes due to shader compilation will also never cause desyncs on single core + HLE/LLE not on a separate thread. That is technically impossible.

The network code also has nothing to do with determinism.
Oct 10, 2011
Boise, ID
Thanks for clearing that up. I don't intend to spread lies but we've seen such wildly different results from many different people over time that I'd like to see consecutive success stories before feeling confident. I don't mean to dismiss the hard work that everyone has put in.

Also, for clarity, we're not a fork of Dolphin and our project requires very little modification of Dolphin code. We're also very dependent on the success of Dolphin's netplay and so I am very hopeful that we see such results. When it comes down to it, we prefer people to ignore our project right now and continue having fun with netplay.

edit: Redacted the conflicting statements in my previous post, but I'll keep the shader cache info for the sake of preventing lag spikes anyway.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010

lmao jokes ;)

but anyways good work guys


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
I know this isn't much news for Melee players, but I played about 2 hours straight of Mario Party 7 over netplay, and despite internet hiccups, lag from computer slowdown, and even trying to record it, the emulator did not desync. That is how stable the system is at this point.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2013
Thank you everyone for the improvements. There are now a lot of version changes, maybe that could be a problem because you have to download a new version and copy all config files a memory card file and it's possible to make a mistake doing this.

Yesterday I played a lot of single core games without desync, but with dual core we can only play one game.
It would be interesting to have a version that doesn't write memory card to avoid possible desyncs.

And last thing, that today I was unable connect to someone that was hosting and he could not connect when I was hosting. It had never happened before and it was very strange.


Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2012
GCM Info Tool: Win32

This will help you find what version you have.
PAL: Game code is GALP01.
NTSC: Game code is GALE01.

Revisions 0 - 2 represent 1.00 - 1.02 respectively.
SD Remix patched ISOs should have a different game name.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
You can't because Dolphin won't be able to load it. We're working on a work around ASAP.

Fishaman P

Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Central Wisconsin
How often will the main post be updated? JMC is already aware that both the crashing-at-end and OSX video issues are resolved, yet he recommends an older version.

Also, when you say Brawl is less taxing than Melee, I doubt that. Brawl is pretty easy on your comp, but it's only gonna be faster if you're comparing SSBB custom stages to Melee FoD.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
Fishaman P: I wasn't aware that Mac (AMD Graphics Acceleration) no longer crashed in lastest dolphin. If someone who had an afflicted computer can confirm that, I'll changed the recommended build.

Brawl is less taxing than Melee (on most computers) because Brawl has less difficult effects to emulate (more basic Wii featureset) and far less stringent timings for making everything run.


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2013
this is some serious improvement, found someone in the group and we tried the old version a week ago, but unfortunately it ran at like 20 fps and there was a whole lot of input lag

now we downloaded the new version and we're running at a good 55 fps and barely any lag, we got a good 3 matches in a row before desync (with dual core enabled, surprisingly)

really impressed with this, this could be and probably is better than brawl's online (which really isn't saying much)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
Yeah, you can do a lot of things to increase the speed of the emulator at the risk of causing desyncs. Depending on how you play, dualcore can work for 3 - 4 rounds. Even on dualcore, if you stay away from Pokemon Stadium and Yoshi's Story, you can sync up with Luigi/G&W because their RNG is set at the beginning of the match and the stages have no random elements to cause the RNG to reroll. Then again, dropping a frame, slowdown, etc. will cause instability on dualcore mode, and that's why we generally don't recommend it. The end goal is to play with ZERO desyncs on a particular group of settings.

Speaking of netplay; is there any interest for us to organize a Melee Netplay Tournament once a few more features are ironed out? We're currently mulling it over, but we'd need at least 8 players for it to be worth while. Because of how netplay works, the schedule wouldn't be stringent (and could be played over the course of days if need be.) We also are finding that this time around, most people have been able to play 1 vs 1 full speed, where as before it was a very small minority.

Current Features on request: Recording Netplay Input (ala Kaillera P2P) for viewing in the emulator. Do note this feature will only work on perfect syncing settings. We're also working on making netplay not save to the memory card. Any other features that people think would help Melee, or other games, should be mentioned as well. People are using the system to play other gamecube games, such as Mario Party 4 - 7 and Soul Calibur as well! That's very good news, proving the stability and versatility of Dolphin Emulator


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
If anybody has tested 3 or 4 player over netplay and not had problems with latency, please let me know. If you're in the skype group, I'm looking for players to confirm whether this is an issue with dolphin or with certain computers.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2012
Savannah, GA / Cary, NC
Morino, if you can host, I'm certainly willing to test it with you.

I may not be on the west coast, but I have a pretty good connection.



Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Okay so I tried this with rebaz yesterday, here's the feedback. First his comp could barely make it run at 60, so it wasn't perfect. Then I was lagging (internet) which leads me to a question: is it like kaillera where you'll lag everytime someone else is on your connection (browsing, dling, youtubing, etc)? And about the delay, is there a way (like in kaillera) to have it select the appropriate delay automatically? Or is it only to be set manually?
Oh and for the benchmark: an i7 3770 on single core with OpenGL runs FoD at 70 FPS.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
If a player is having a problem with speed, move to D3D9 Apparently there was a regression in OpenGL performance very recently. I'm going to recommend that people who an use D3D9 use it from now on. Secondly, you can set pad buffer while you play the game. While automatic is nice, it's usually conservative; with a manual setup like this, you can aggressively go for the lowest possible latency.

As for the internet problems, it appears that as of right now, yes, maxing out your connection will cause it to lag. That's not our problem, that's an evil of online gaming. We are working on way to make it less noticeable, and less problematic. Normally, if you're on a shared connection, browsing/youtube won't matter, because they don't max out a connection, but, you have to understand if you have so much bandwidth for downloading, and something else uses it up, you're going to get lag spikes as packets are blocked and dropped.

The best way to currently setup pad buffer is to go into the menus of Melee, and then adjust the padbuffer as low as you can without it affecting the framerate. It's simple and should only take a couple seconds to get it where you want it. Then, from that point on, you know that lag is either caused by latency spikes (host can see this on the netplay dialog) or slowdown by a computer. If your opponent can't run the game full speed, or is near the edge of requirements, it can HEAVILY impact your experience. I recommend you find another opponent sometime.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Thanks for answering.

Yeah my opponent's computer is from 2008, so I'm not sure if D3D9 would help. I'll try with other people as well.

Concerning the lagspikes, that's what I've always been wondering about kaillera: youtubing does affect the gameplay to the point of making it totally unplayable, even with a good bandwidth. I don't really understand why it would impact so much without maxing out the connection. Finally concerning delay, I guess I just need to get used to that system and it's true it seems more convenient as you can change ingame.
Oct 10, 2011
Boise, ID
Ping is more important than connection speed, and your router can only process packets so quickly. From my understanding, if there are more packets being sent to the router from different sources (YouTube, etc.), it may take longer for your Dolphin packets to be routed and/or sent. If there are any networking specialists then please feel free to elaborate or correct me on something.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
InternetExplorer is absolutely correct with what's he's saying. Right now, the netplay code is relatively primitive and straight forward, and doesn't really work around any kind of problems.

To fix these kinds of spikes, you need to use specialized UDP code, or perhaps a smarter TCP system? I don't know, I'm not really a network specialist, just going on what I've heard the others talking about.

And about the system for delay; the automatic detection is broken. It has a system for it, it just doesn't work. Netplay code is being worked on, but, of course making the emulator sync 100% is the first concern.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2012
Does anyone who can host want to try this out later? I'm on a campus internet so I can't host.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
Anyone who uses Tuungle or Hamachi want to write a tutorial on how to use that? It might help out when two people who can't host want to play one another, or during tourneys and two get matched up.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2013
I'am having a lot performace problems and I can't find any clear reason. I thought that was only with 64 bit versions but I have also downloaded 32 bits versions and still have problems.

For example, even offline, at the begining of a game I have about 10-15 seconds with a low framerate, then fixes. When pokemon stadium transforms framerate drops even to 40.
The most annoying thing is that using older versions I have not any of these problems.

I don't know if it is related to that "shader cache" filling. If InternetExplorer could explain a bit more that concept it would be great.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
p1ns: If you're on the very edge of 60 FPS, that's why it'd do that. The transformation does use a lot more power, as does the beginning of a match for some reason. But, I did notice when I played you that it wasn't exactly a normal amount of slowdown, so, the best thing you can do is find out what build it started to happen on by doing a logarithmic search (Go halfway between the last working build and the first broken build you noticed, check that build, it it doesn't work, go older, if it does work, go newer halfway between again.)


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
dolphin build 1208 SINGLE CORE TEST
3570k @ 4.3ghz, radeon hd 7770 default clock
melee test:4x Pikachu(me+lv7,8,9), all emulator settings default, 3d9
stage/avg fps-lowest fps (after ~3mins of play)
PS/93-87(after ~5mins due to stage changing)

2xPikachu(me+lv9), all emulator settings default, 3d9
PS/123-111(after ~5mins due to stage changing)

melee test:4x Pikachu(me+lv7,8,9), all emulator settings default, opengl
stage/avg fps-lowest fps (after ~3mins of play)
PS/64-58(after ~5mins due to stage changing)

2xPikachu(me+lv9), all emulator settings default, opengl
PS/88-75(after ~5mins due to stage changing)

**** FoD tho.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2012
A lot of people see it as impossible or requiring of insane specifications, when really any moderate gaming computer can play comfortable, desyncless matches across the world. Most players that play in their region will enjoy having minimal latency and hiccups, with more features yet to come.


Smash Rookie
Apr 12, 2013
Just want to say the skype community for melee online is great. Thanks to JMC my spike lag is fixed, so I can finally play. Hacked Buffer Upload is extremely important for Nvidia Users, it stopped my spike lag completely. I can now play online flawlessly.


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2013
Just want to say the skype community for melee online is great. Thanks to JMC my spike lag is fixed, so I can finally play. Hacked Buffer Upload is extremely important for Nvidia Users, it stopped my spike lag completely. I can now play online flawlessly.
Second this, I love everyone in the Skype group. Easy to find a match and my problems are fixed instantly.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2013
Just want to say the skype community for melee online is great. Thanks to JMC my spike lag is fixed, so I can finally play. Hacked Buffer Upload is extremely important for Nvidia Users, it stopped my spike lag completely. I can now play online flawlessly.
I have to test the hacked buffer online.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2006
Pasadena, CA
What kind of download/upload speed is recommended to run Melee Netplay? I have DSL, and while I seem to have decent ping, after seeing Upke's post above, I'm feeling ... inadequate:



Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Lol that's the two extremes. If it works the same way as kaillera, the download and upload speeds don't matter that much as it shouldn't use so much bandwidth. A stable ping is more important.
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