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Champion of the Sinnoh Pokémon League, Cynthia Accepts Your Challenge!! Cynthia for Ultimate


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
From the Sinnoh Pokémon League, to Undella Town, the Pokémon World Tournament, and Alola’s Battle Tree, let's see if she has what it takes to make it on the Battlefield.


Who is Cynthia?

Cynthia is the Champion of the Sinnoh region’s Pokémon League, originating from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. Her story is she's an archeologist who researches and explores ancient ruins and areas tied to Legendary Pokémon. She'll meet up with you several times over the course of the game and assist you before to confront her and take the title, though she won't make it easy for you. She is a character who enjoys fighting, her heart races when you battle against her and she will let you know she’s having a lot of fun.

What does she have going for her?

Cynthia has made an appearance in nearly every subsequent game since her debut, which is a considerably big deal for a series as non-linear as Pokémon. She's also made a number of appearances in the Pokémon anime, manga series, and trading cards, even appearing in certain merchandise:

Many players love her design, her personality, her battle, her battle theme which made its way into the previous entry remixed:
Cynthia has a powerful and diverse team of Pokémon who are loved and feared by many, and her battle is regarded as the most challenging Champion battle in the series. Because she has no type preference, many of her Pokémon are capable of being unique from the other Pokémon represented as fighters. With the return of Pokemon Trainer as well as the Pokémon Change mechanic, her chances of making an appearance are strong. Despite Lucario always being on her team, he can’t be featured on her team for obvious reasons. Despite this, she still has a diverse group of Pokémon on her team to choose from. A few examples of her most recurring ones:


I'm currently working on my movesets for the first four of her Pokémon that I listed (currently my picks are the first three and Roserade as a potential replacement in case Milotic or Spiritomb have difficulties as Smash fighters) and will be updating this thread with them.

Here's a moveset created by zferolie zferolie created around Cynthia fighting on the battlefield alongside her Pokémon
(Pokemon Series)

Basic Stats

Size: 6/10. Cynthia herself stands slightly above average, the size of Peach about.

Weight: 5/10 Cynthia is of Average weight. Initial Launch: 90%

Power: 5/10 Cynthia herself is not strong, but due to her pokemon taking up the majority of her attacks, she is decently strong, though it varies on the pokemon attacking.

Speed: 4/10. Cynthia has a semi-slow run speed, movement speed, fall speed, and attack speed. Timing is key for her.

Technique: 8/10. Cynthia’s combo strength comes from the idea that she can return to a neutral state why her last attacks pokemon is still out by holding the shield button during the attack, and call out another one before the other returns. This allows her to really do some wicked set ups and combos, but in return she can’t use another attack that requires the pokemon already out on the field.

Fighting Style and Details

While Cynthia and Pokemon trainer use pokemon, they couldn’t be more different. While Pokemon trainer is about managing 3 different fighting styles and has his pokemon do all the fighting, Cynthia instead fights herself, using her pokemon as summons in a sense. While she has a 2-3 attacks that don’t use a pokemon, the majority of her attacks have the pokemon pop out of their pokeball to assist their master. She may ride, stand alongside, or do an attack with her pokemon. As stated before, if she holds guard while in an attack that uses a pokemon, she will return to a neutral state, while the pokemon finished up its attack. She can move, jump, and attack while that other pokemon is on the stage, but she will not be able to use any attacks that require the pokemon already attacking, and the further Cynthia is away from the pokemon, the longer it takes to be called back, making it risky to stay too far from her pokemon. The most amount of Pokemon she can have out on the stage at once is 3.

The 6 pokemon Cynthia uses are Milotic, Garchomp, Glaceon, Roserade, Togekiss, and Spiritomb. Her attacks are all moves they can use in game If the pokemon are attacked, Cythina still takes damage, but she doesn’t flinch from it. Garchomp and Spiritomb can take 3 hits before their attacks are canceled and they return to the ball, Togekiss and Milotic can take 2, and Roserade and Glaceon can take 1.

Some of Cynthia’s moves are activated for a long time, so learning her cancel ability and mastering how to use multiple pokemon attacks at the same time is key to mastering her.

Normal Combo: two slaps from Cynthia, then a third hit from Milotic. Cynthia slaps the foe, then back hands them, then she spins away, snapping her fingers as Milotic appears coiled around Cynthina and does a slight tail slap (2%, 3%, 5%)

Forward A: Glaceon uses Ice Fang, which has her leap forward with an very short range icy bite. May freeze foe if their damage is high.(7%)

Down A: Spiritomb uses shadow Sneak, damaging anyone with its shadow right in front on it. (4%)

Up A: Togekiss Uses Uproar, crying out and knock anyone really close up that where next to her, and anyone above her, into the air.(6%)

Dash A: Cynthia rides on Garchomp as it uses Dragon rush. It travels pretty far, but stops if she reaches a ledge. (11%)

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral A: Cynthia holds Roserade as she uses Petal Storm, surrounding Cynthia with multi-hitting petals. (2% per petal hit, max 10 hits)

Forward A: Glaceon Icy wind, which has Cynthia hold Glaceon as it blows a cold blast of wind short range in front of them. Hit’s 3 times and may very breifly freeze the foe if they have high damage.(4% per hit)

Up A: Togekiss uses Air Slash, making wind slash above Cynthia and itself. (9%)

Back A: Garchomp attacks behind with Duel chop, which has him slashing with his fins twice. Foe will get hit by both if hit by the first. (7%, 8%, total 15%)

Down A: Cynthia brings out Spiritomb, and holds on to it as it falls VERY fast to the ground, and the same speed as Kirby’s rock in the air. Canceling has Cynthia stop falling fast, but Spiritomb keeps going till it hits the ground. (15%)

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Garchomp uses Giga Impact. It charges in place, then Body slams the foe for massive damage. (19%-26%)

Down Smash Miltoic uses whirlpool, while actis simularly to Melee Peaches down smash, multiple hits around Cynthia via spinning water then launches them away (14%-20%)

Up Smash: Roserade Uses Energy ball, which has her form a ball of sun energy, above her, trapping people and doing damage, then it blows up, sending people in the air. It’s very similar to Mewtwo’s Up Smash in Melee, but has a larger hitbox. (1-3% x 7 attacks, explosion 8-13%)


Cythnia uses Spiritomb of psychicly grab close to slightly mid rang enemies, and pulls them to her.

Pummel: Glaceon appears on Cythnia’s shoulder and fires Ice Shards at the held foe(1%)

Forward throw: Garhomp appears and does Dragon Claw, sending it flying away(13%)

Backward Throw: Milotic appears from in frontof the foe and does aqua tail, knocking the foe behind Cynthia (14%)

Upward Throw: Togekiss uses Twister, trapping the foe in a twister and launching them into the air.(11%)

Downward Throw: Roseade uses Grass knot to tie them up, then punches them with poison jab, knocking them away(12%)

Special Moves and Final Smash:

Standard B: Destiny Bond. Spiritomb appears in front of Cynthia and glows for a moment. If any attack hits it, The foe glows, Spiritomb returns to it’s pokeball, and the foe is bonded to Cynthia for 10 seconds. Any damage Cynthia takes during that time, the foe will also receive. If Destiny bond misses, Spiritomb sits on the ground for a few moments before returning, locking Cynthia out of a few attacks like her grabs and Down Aerial.

Side B: Surf. Milotic appears coiled around Cynthia, and cries out, making a small wave of water flow out in front of Cynthia. It goes the same distance as Ice climbers ice block, but anyone hit by it takes damage and is knocked away. (10%)

Up B: Sky Attack. Cynthia jumps onto Togekiss, who flies up about the vertical distance Sonic's Up B goes while glowing. At the peak, Cynthia leaps off and Togekiss zooms down in the direction you at pointing the analog stick, causing damage and going through anyone in it’s path till Togekiss hits a floor, wall, or goes OB. Hitting a floor or wall causing a small blast of energy. When Cynthia leaps off she is free to attack right away. If Togekiss returns before Cynthia hits the ground, she can use this move again. (18% damage if hit by Togekiss, 14% damage if only hit by the energy blast. 25% if a Direct hit on a ground orl wall.

Down B: Hail. Glaceon appears where Cynthia is standing, and cries out. High above Glaceon (thunder level) a icy cloud appears and makes it start to Hail around Glaceon. Glaceon vanishes 1 second after starting the attack, and Cynthia can move around and attack with any move that doesn’t use Glaceon during this attack(during that 1 second glaceon is out). 10 pieces of hall fall per second, and does little damage and stun in each hit. If a foe is caught in the attack, they will get hit the will slowly be pushed out, only someone trapped in a corner and under the effect of a supper mushroom will be hit by every attack. You cannot use this move again till the current hail finishes.(1 % damage per hit)

Final Smash: Roserade uses Sleep Powder in a large bubble around Cynthia(about ½ the size of Luigi’s moon). Id it hits it transitions to a cut scene where they are suddenly at Cynthias champion roon, She calls out all her pokemon at once who combo attack the plays and it ends with Mega Garchomp Outraging everyone away

Let me know if you'd like to be added to the support list in the comments below, I'll be sure to update this post with past supporters as well. I look forward to discussing this character with you all.
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
I'll be supporting as well :) Hope everyone likes my moveset! made it years ago for smash 4 speculation but I think still holds up well, though I did do some tweaking on it since.

Cynthia for smash.jpg


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I'll be supporting as well :) Hope everyone likes my moveset! made it years ago for smash 4 speculation but I think still holds up well, though I did do some tweaking on it since.

View attachment 170699
Yup at least I like it, it's a change of pace and would let Cynthia fight herself. I still think that she could have punches and kicks for some of the normal attacks, and then smashes and specials could have her pokemon. That's my version of that idea anyway.

I want to see a moveset for her being like pokemon trainer too, where she has at least 2 pokemon, but 3 would be good, and 4 if they could pull it off (well that's hoping for a lot, but whatever) :p

I could see her use Garchomp, Milotic, and then a third pokemon that personally I think shouldn't be Spiritomb, because he doesnt have any limbs or at least flexibility for moving attack animations like milotic and would be odd to fight with. (not to say I'd totally rule it out though). Tokekiss is similar. I'd rather see Roserade, and she would fit marvelously as a fighter. Glaceon would be great too!
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Yup at least I like it, it's a change of pace and would let Cynthia fight herself. I still think that she could have punches and kicks for some of the normal attacks, and then smashes and specials could have her pokemon. That's my version of that idea anyway.

I want to see a moveset for her being like pokemon trainer too, where she has at least 2 pokemon, but 3 would be good, and 4 if they could pull it off (well that's hoping for a lot, but whatever) :p

I could see her use Garchomp, Milotic, and then a third pokemon that personally I think shouldn't be Spiritomb, because he doesnt have any limbs or at least flexibility for moving attack animations like milotic and would be odd to fight with. (not to say I'd totally rule it out though). Tokekiss is similar. I'd rather see Roserade, and she would fit marvelously as a fighter. Glaceon would be great too!
Funnily enough, I’m actually having more trouble working on Milotic’s moveset than with Spiritomb’s, I’ve got a good number of moves for her Spiritomb figured out as of now
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Funnily enough, I’m actually having more trouble working on Milotic’s moveset than with Spiritomb’s, I’ve got a good number of moves for her Spiritomb figured out as of now
Sure, if you want to make one for it, then why not. My concern isn't with figuring out moves though, it's the appearance of it, lacking bodily animations doesn't do well aesthethically for being a fighter, but no reason we couldnt have movesets for any of them ;)


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Sure, if you want to make one for it, then why not. My concern isn't with figuring out moves though, it's the appearance of it, lacking bodily animations doesn't do well aesthethically for being a fighter, but no reason we couldnt have movesets for any of them ;)
I guess, maybe it could make her (Spiritomb) much more unpredictable as a result.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I guess, maybe it could make her (Spiritomb) much more unpredictable as a result.
Sure. It still wouldn't look that good. If you've seen placeholder sprites for in-development games, that dont have animations, that's maybe an idea for how it's hard for it to look good if there aren't parts moving around.
But if they can someone pull it off and the self-contained animations look good for it somehow, while adding the trickiness to it, then maybe it could still pass. Maybe.
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Hey zferolie zferolie , this came to mind earlier while I was looking over your ideas, I was wondering if you’d be interested in creating a similar moveset, but with N.

Sure. It still wouldn't look that good. If you've seen placeholder sprites for in-development games, that dont have animations, that's maybe an idea for how it's hard for it to look good if there aren't parts moving around.
But if they can someone pull it off and the self-contained animations look good for it somehow, while adding the trickiness to it, then maybe it could still pass. Maybe.
I think it could be pulled off, I can still see some movement happening with her attacks, even if it’s subtle movements. I’ll keep working on my moveset and post it here soon


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Well, I support Cynthia! As I've mentioned in the past, I love how at first glance, Cynthia seems no more different than Red and Leaf, but the differences end up becoming almost instantly notable the moment you actually start playing as her.

Also, since this seems to be a thing right now, I guess I'll also post some Cynthia stuff I've come across as well.



Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
I was sad that Pokemon Trainer was cut in Smash 4 for technical reasons, in part because I missed Squirtle and Ivysaur but also in part because it meant that the playable Pokemon characters no longer included the Pokemon Trainers themselves. While Pokemon Trainer is finally back, I really don't want Sakurai and Game Freak (as I imagine they have a large say in how Pokemon content is included in Smash) to treat Pokemon Trainer's inclusion as a one-time thing.

There are so many beloved human Pokemon characters that aren't emphasized enough in Super Smash Bros. Just off the top of my head:
  • Prof. Oak
  • Blue (or Green in Japan)
  • Giovanni
  • Silver
  • Wally
  • Steven
  • Barry
  • Cyrus
  • Cynthia (of course)
  • Prof. Juniper
  • Cheren and Bianca
  • N
  • Ghetsis
  • Prof. Sycamore
  • Prof. Willow
  • Literally all of the Pokemon Sun and Moon main cast, ESPECIALLY Lillie
And none of these characters have a playable presence. I understand the argument that we, the players, can be considered Pokemon Trainers in spirit when we play as a Pokemon (it's part of why some Charizard mains are annoyed that they're part of Pokemon Trainer again), but it never felt right that it took until the third Smash game to finally have the ACTUAL protagonist from Pokemon to be playable, only for them to be cut in the next game.

As a result, I'm gonna rally around more human Pokemon characters as my most wanted newcomers in Smash games from now on. And it just so happens that Cynthia is one of the absolute most popular human Pokemon characters that aren't from the anime (those would be the anime's versions of Brock and Misty, and the completely original Ash, Gary, Jessie, and James). The only other human Pokemon characters I'd put on her level are Blue, Giovanni, N, and Lillie, so she's extremely popular.

I guess I'm just airing some grievances about Pokemon's representation in Smash mostly being focused on the monsters themselves. But you can put me down as a Cynthia supporter as well. I'd main her and wreck my foes with Garchomp.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
I was sad that Pokemon Trainer was cut in Smash 4 for technical reasons, in part because I missed Squirtle and Ivysaur but also in part because it meant that the playable Pokemon characters no longer included the Pokemon Trainers themselves. While Pokemon Trainer is finally back, I really don't want Sakurai and Game Freak (as I imagine they have a large say in how Pokemon content is included in Smash) to treat Pokemon Trainer's inclusion as a one-time thing.

There are so many beloved human Pokemon characters that aren't emphasized enough in Super Smash Bros. Just off the top of my head:
  • Prof. Oak
  • Blue (or Green in Japan)
  • Giovanni
  • Silver
  • Wally
  • Steven
  • Barry
  • Cyrus
  • Cynthia (of course)
  • Prof. Juniper
  • Cheren and Bianca
  • N
  • Ghetsis
  • Prof. Sycamore
  • Prof. Willow
  • Literally all of the Pokemon Sun and Moon main cast, ESPECIALLY Lillie
And none of these characters have a playable presence. I understand the argument that we, the players, can be considered Pokemon Trainers in spirit when we play as a Pokemon (it's part of why some Charizard mains are annoyed that they're part of Pokemon Trainer again), but it never felt right that it took until the third Smash game to finally have the ACTUAL protagonist from Pokemon to be playable, only for them to be cut in the next game.

As a result, I'm gonna rally around more human Pokemon characters as my most wanted newcomers in Smash games from now on. And it just so happens that Cynthia is one of the absolute most popular human Pokemon characters that aren't from the anime (those would be the anime's versions of Brock and Misty, and the completely original Ash, Gary, Jessie, and James). The only other human Pokemon characters I'd put on her level are Blue, Giovanni, N, and Lillie, so she's extremely popular.

I guess I'm just airing some grievances about Pokemon's representation in Smash mostly being focused on the monsters themselves. But you can put me down as a Cynthia supporter as well. I'd main her and wreck my foes with Garchomp.
Added to the support list as well and very well said dude.

I do feel that if there was one other Pokémon human to make it into Smash, it would be N. However I feel he probably wouldn’t suit the Pokémon Change mechanic and formula considering he doesn’t have a consistent set of Pokémon and his team changes with every encounter. Although after I saw the moveset zferolie zferolie came up with, I started thinking something like that would probably be perfect for N.

It would be nice to see more of the human characters in the series to be represented in Smash, even if was something as small as a trophy or stage cameo
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
Added to the support list as well and very well said dude.

I do feel that if there was one other Pokémon human to make it into Smash, it would be N. However I feel it’d be a little more difficult at first considering he doesn’t have a consistent set of Pokémon and his team changes with every encounter. Although after I saw the moveset zferolie zferolie came up with, I started thinking something like that would probably be perfect for N.
I have an idea for N: both Reshiram and Zekrom are newcomers, and he's paired with whoever of the two you choose, since in the story he's always paired with the opposing version Legendary. He uses no other Pokemon, and it's justifiable in a popularity sense since Zekrom is arguably the most famous Black and White Pokemon, and Reshiram can play like a semi-clone or echo fighter (probably the latter since their arms are different). Unlike Pokemon Trainer, N directly caring for Reshiram / Zekrom rather than just ordering them around is part of his moveset, so he can do things like buff them with the X items (X Speed, X Attack, etc.) or possibly even heal them (though that can be overpowered so maybe not). This is all to reflect on his controlled childhood where he assumed all Pokemon were mistreated so that he needs to treat them all with love and care, thinking all Pokemon Trainers were abusive.

Of course, N isn't that likely in this way since Unova Pokemon League is back with both cover Legendaries as hazards, but it's a nice thought if N were ever included.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
I have an idea for N: both Reshiram and Zekrom are newcomers, and he's paired with whoever of the two you choose, since in the story he's always paired with the opposing version Legendary. He uses no other Pokemon, and it's justifiable in a popularity sense since Zekrom is arguably the most famous Black and White Pokemon, and Reshiram can play like a semi-clone or echo fighter (probably the latter since their arms are different). Unlike Pokemon Trainer, N directly caring for Reshiram / Zekrom rather than just ordering them around is part of his moveset, so he can do things like buff them with the X items (X Speed, X Attack, etc.) or possibly even heal them (though that can be overpowered so maybe not). This is all to reflect on his controlled childhood where he assumed all Pokemon were mistreated so that he needs to treat them all with love and care, thinking all Pokemon Trainers were abusive.

Of course, N isn't that likely in this way since Unova Pokemon League is back with both cover Legendaries as hazards, but it's a nice thought if N were ever included.
Interesting idea but what if a second player picks the other legendary?

EDIT: I’m gonna assume you have different colored N’s paired with each of them and their palettes. Never mind, I shouldn’t ask questions or think at all late at night.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
Interesting idea but what if a second player picks the other legendary?
They can turn into Hilbert / Hilda, the Pokemon Trainers of Black and White. They care for Pokemon just as much as N does, N just has the wrong idea about them, so it's not out of place for them to also give them buff items and healing items.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
So I could use some help/feedback on my movesets for some of these Pokémon movesets, I'm still trying to work out how exactly Milotic would move/attack and I'm still looking into what all Roserade can do, so I'm only gonna post what I have for their specials:

Neutral Attack:
Dash Attack: Strikes downward with her claw
Forward Tilt: Steps forward and performs a headbutt
Down Tilt: Spins around and strikes with her tail
Up Tilt:

Side Smash: Slashes forward with her claws twice
Down Smash: Similar to Charizard, it stomps on the ground creating a small earthquake hitting from both sides
Up Smash:

Neutral Aerial: Somersaults with her back fin damaging opponents
Forward Aerial:
Back Aerial: Backhands with her fin and spins back around
Up Aerial:
Down Aerial: Dives forward at a diagonal angle

Forward Throw:
Back Throw
Down Throw: Throws opponent to the ground and uses fins to dig at them, hits 3 times
Up throw:

Neutral Special: Brick Break, A shield breaking move. Garchomp’s fin glows and she slashes forward with it

Side Special: Dragon Rush, uses Charizard’s custom move of the same name, Garchomp dashes at the opponent while spinning and will carry the opponent while damaging them on contact.

Up Special: (?) Giga Impact, flies up and dives down at a diagonal angle, landing with an explosive force


Idle Animations
-Inhales and pretends to roar
Neutral Attack: Summons purple fireballs to act as fists that rapidly jab
Dash Attack: Throws out keystone in front of her in a dropkick-like matter
Forward Tilt:
Down Tilt: Slides her keystone forward on the ground
Up Tilt:

Side Smash: Retreats into her keystone and pops back out with a scary face
Down Smash: Sends out a wave of dark energy that hits both sides (resembles Dark Pulse)
Up Smash:

Neutral Aerial: The green orbs spread out and swirl around causing damage
Forward Aerial:
Back Aerial: Spiritomb thrusts her keystone behind her
Up Aerial:
Down Aerial: Retreats into her keystone and plummets straight down, can either bury or meteor smash

Grab: Uses Psychic to grab opponents, opponents are surrounded by a purple aura
Pummel: Uses a psychic pulse
Forward Throw: Bounces opponent off ground in front of them,
Back Throw:
Down Throw: Throws opponent beneath her and stomps on them with her Keystone
Up throw: burns them with a blast of fire

Neutral Special: (?) Will-O-Wisp, A chargable move that puts up to three purple fireballs above her head and throws them forward

Side Special: Sucker Punch-a low-damage backward hit pulls opponents in and traps them in taking a stronger, high-damaging hit

Up Special: Ominous Wind-Spiritomb gets carried up by a whirlwind

Down: Chuckles mischievously
Neutral Special: Mirror Coat, a counter that does average damage, doubles the damage and knockback when hit by a damage dealing special move

Side Special: Ice Beam, shoots out a concentrated stream as a projectile, has a chance of freezing the opponent

Up Special: (?) Surf, a wave appears under Milotic as she rides on it at a diagonal angle,
Neutral Special: Energy Ball, a slighty chargable projectile that hits multiple times (?)

Side Special: Sludge Bomb, thrown in an arc, has a chance of doing poison damage (?)

Up Special: Leaf Storm, a whirlwind of leaves carries Roserade upward, surrounding leaves do small damage,

So yeah, hopefully you can tell where I want to go with these characters, but I could use a lot of help filling in these blanks.
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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Ehh... Support, always cool to see a big character from best Gen, Gen 4. I would personally prefer Dawn, but Cynthia has more history with multiple appearances, plus having a Pokémon trainer from a different Gen, maybe one that inter splices different gens would be really cool.

It’ll be kind of akward when Lucario fights her though....


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Ehh... Support, always cool to see a big character from best Gen, Gen 4. I would personally prefer Dawn, but Cynthia has more history with multiple appearances, plus having a Pokémon trainer from a different Gen, maybe one that inter splices different gens would be really cool.

It’ll be kind of akward when Lucario fights her though....
I mean I’m sure people used a Lucario on their team when they went up against her.

Imagine a team match between Pikachu and Pokémon Trainer vs. Cynthia and Lucario.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Now, I have a question I wanted to ask here, and sorry if this comes off as a little curt or anything, but:

What would a Cynthia spirit be like to battle? :)
Rosalina in her Black palette on the field using stand-ins for her Pokémon. So far I have:

-Ridley as a stand-in for Garchomp
-Lucario of course
-and Pirahna Plant for Spiritomb


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Rosalina in her Black palette on the field using stand-ins for her Pokémon. So far I have:

-Ridley as a stand-in for Garchomp
-Lucario of course
-and Pirahna Plant for Spiritomb
Maybe just pokemon trainer, but I like the way you took it too.

Maybe Kirby for Togekiss? ;p
Roserade could be Daisy (flowers)

The rest I dunno. Milotic could maybe work on Rosalina? She's the tallest of the gals.
Gastrodon, uh.. that one's a little harder :p


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Maybe just pokemon trainer, but I like the way you took it too.

Maybe Kirby for Togekiss? ;p
Roserade could be Daisy (flowers)

The rest I dunno. Milotic could maybe work on Rosalina? She's the tallest of the gals.
Gastrodon, uh.. that one's a little harder :p
I’ll think more about it, for now probably just three would be fine, especially if they came out one after another like in a Pokémon battle.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2018
Crystal Gem Temple, Beach City
They could just have the female trainer with the purple Charizard representing Garchomp, and maybe Lucario too. Her other Pokémon aren't as iconic as these two.
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
They could just have the female trainer with the purple Charizard representing Garchomp, and maybe Lucario too. Her other Pokémon aren't as iconic as these two.
I mean Milotic is pretty popular, and I feel like I should have no issue convincing others of Spiritomb now that this thing is a fighter:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2018
Crystal Gem Temple, Beach City
I mean Milotic is pretty popular, and I feel like I should have no issue convincing others of Spiritomb now that this thing is a fighter:
View attachment 176490
Fair point haha. It's just that I couldn't think of any good stand-ins for the others. But now that I think about it, what about Kirby with Pit's copy ability as a stand-in for Togekiss?


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Now, I have a question I wanted to ask here, and sorry if this is a little abrupt or anything, but:

What would a Cynthia spirit be like to battle? :)

Gosh, I'm not sure. In regards to whoever would represent Cynthia herself, I'm kind of torn between Leaf, Rosalina, and Zero Suit Samus honestly.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2018
TBH I think if Cynthia made it, she'd just be in the background ala Pokemon Trainer and she'd only have Garchomp.

Either way it'd be a crazy awesome addition imo. Garchomp is really popular and an awesome Pokemon, and it would represent the best champion in the series in a great way.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
TBH I think if Cynthia made it, she'd just be in the background ala Pokemon Trainer and she'd only have Garchomp.

Either way it'd be a crazy awesome addition imo. Garchomp is really popular and an awesome Pokemon, and it would represent the best champion in the series in a great way.
That’s my initial idea for the character aside from just using Garchomp, I thought about her and Garchomp being a replacement for SSB4 Charizard but now that I think about it, there really wouldn’t be much point to her inclusion to the background if she could only control Garchomp.

Milotic has her fair share of fans and she’d be the first fighter with a snake-like body, and I know Spiritomb isn’t everyone’s first choice for a Ghost-type Pokémon fighter, but she’d be the first regardless and along with Garchomp and Lucario, she’s always been on Cynthia’s team. Seeing Pirahna Plant in action, it shouldn’t be too hard to flesh out her moves as well.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2018
That’s my initial idea for the character aside from just using Garchomp, I thought about her and Garchomp being a replacement for SSB4 Charizard but now that I think about it, there really wouldn’t be much point to her inclusion to the background if she could only control Garchomp.
I disagree, adding in other Pokemon she uses would kinda dilute things and make her even more unlikely to be present. None of them have anything special going on with them that makes them worthy enough to stand next to other characters in the game.

I think it'd be more special for it to just be Cynthia + Garchomp. Unlike Pokemon Trainer, she is a Champion character and has a signature Pokemon that back in the day essentially defined her battle. I just think Milotic, Togekiss, Spiritomb, Gastrodon, or especially Eelektross and Braviary would just make her feel like a Pokemon Trainer rip-off and remove uniqueness she could have, if that makes sense.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
I disagree, adding in other Pokemon she uses would kinda dilute things and make her even more unlikely to be present. None of them have anything special going on with them that makes them worthy enough to stand next to other characters in the game.

I think it'd be more special for it to just be Cynthia + Garchomp. Unlike Pokemon Trainer, she is a Champion character and has a signature Pokemon that back in the day essentially defined her battle. I just think Milotic, Togekiss, Spiritomb, Gastrodon, or especially Eelektross and Braviary would just make her feel like a Pokemon Trainer rip-off and remove uniqueness she could have, if that makes sense.
I kinda get what you’re saying, but in that scenario, what would be the point of adding Cynthia to the background if she serves no purpose and it could’ve easily just been Garchomp as her own fighter? Garchomp would just be like the other Pokémon reps except with her trainer doing nothing in the background.

And it’s not just Garchomp that’s powerful. Every member of her team is formidable and part of what made her challenging is that she doesn’t specialize in any specific type and has damaging moves for nearly each type. Her team is balanced and diverse. Of course her Garchomp is ingrained with her character, but she didn’t get to be as strong and challenging as she is by relying on one Pokémon alone. Besides there’s more than enough in the game’s dialogue to indicate that she started off in the same position as Pokémon Trainer, so I think it’d could be fitting for her to act as a mirror/possible future for them.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Say, does anything pertaining to Cynthia appear in Smash Ultimate? Spirit? Her theme from Smash 4?


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Say, does anything pertaining to Cynthia appear in Smash Ultimate? Spirit? Her theme from Smash 4?
Her theme has returned, but so far a Spirit of her specifically hasn’t shown up, closest we got so far are spirits of Garchomp and Milotic.
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